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« If he had governed from the center, ab initio, | Main | Good thing I have TiVo, »


ZZard in NoVa

Let me guess, Jon Stewart? No? I am disappointed. Well, how about Tony Blair? Not him, either? It will only be a matter of time. Guess it wasn't Colbert, either. It wasn't . . . damn! Bill Maher, was it Bill Maher? Aw, wrong again! How about his pal Bubber, just back from a trip to Haiti with W as a sidekick? Not Bubber either?

Oh, you meant the OTHER President Bush! G.H.W. Bush . . . the one with some personal integrity (although he stretched it a bit when he said that the first Gulf War was "not about oil"). That guy. OK, I can imagine any number of people saying that about that guy. Just not about his pantload sorry excuse for a son.

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